About Gruesome Automotive : We strive for the best and only for the best. Not only do we constantly push the boundaries, we believe there is no standard high enough. The aesthetics that we support not only break necks but bring others to question âWhat the F * * *?â, âHOLY *** or âHOW IN GRUESOMEâS NAME?â But, extremities are not what we constantly aim for as subtle builds can still carry the GRUESOME spirit. Gruesome Automotive will always support dedicated enthusiasts, quality builds, and the passion that brings us all together. http://i.imgur.com/bx1SU.jpg https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/26645_4113483472650_319842857_n.jpg G R U E S O M E A U T O M O T I V E M E E T https://www.facebook.com/events/367266570023413/?fref=ts JOIN US WITH YOUR GRUESOME AUTOMOTIVE PROJECTS -Alll GRUESOME makes welcome : hellaflush, function, cycles, euro, jdm etc. -Chill with some brews & waffles @ IRON PRESS or oysters from SHUCK. -Also, meet some new faces and see some familiar ones. FEEL FREE TO RSVP & INVITE Please respect the area no revving, speeding, bumping. Great location for meets, lets keep it that way. Stickers, Tees, and Accessories soon to come! -We are recruiting for GRUESOME OFFICIALS/PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS/BLOGGERS -F E A T U R E S U B M I S S I O NS -Prospective Affiliates Contact Christopher : BATTALION17@GMAIL.COM Check us out on: -Tumblr : http://gruesomeperfecture.tumblr.com/ -Instagram : @GRUESOMEAUTOMOTIVE -Facebook :
About Gruesome Automotive : We strive for the best and only for the best. Not only do we constantly push the boundaries, we believe there is no standard high enough. The aesthetics that we support not only break necks but bring others to question âWhat the F * * *?â, âHOLY *** or âHOW IN GRUESOMEâS NAME?â But, extremities are not what we constantly aim for as subtle builds can still carry the GRUESOME spirit. Gruesome Automotive will always support dedicated enthusiasts, quality builds, and the passion that brings us all together. http://i.imgur.com/bx1SU.jpg https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/26645_4113483472650_319842857_n.jpg G R U E S O M E A U T O M O T I V E M E E T https://www.facebook.com/events/367266570023413/?fref=ts JOIN US WITH YOUR GRUESOME AUTOMOTIVE PROJECTS -Alll GRUESOME makes welcome : hellaflush, function, cycles, euro, jdm etc. -Chill with some brews & waffles @ IRON PRESS or oysters from SHUCK. -Also, meet some new faces and see some familiar ones. FEEL FREE TO RSVP & INVITE Please respect the area no revving, speeding, bumping. Great location for meets, lets keep it that way. Stickers, Tees, and Accessories soon to come! -We are recruiting for GRUESOME OFFICIALS/PHOTOGRAPHERS/VIDEOGRAPHERS/BLOGGERS -F E A T U R E S U B M I S S I O NS -Prospective Affiliates Contact Christopher : BATTALION17@GMAIL.COM Check us out on: -Tumblr : http://gruesomeperfecture.tumblr.com/ -Instagram : @GRUESOMEAUTOMOTIVE -Facebook :